Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 [Info]  

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 has two versions like the previous games; Time Expedition & Darkness Expedition. It follows the same style of game as the previous games, however instead of rescuing, your main objective is exploring.

Like in the first game, your character is a human that has turned into a Pokémon and has to find out why and how to return to being a Pokémon. However, on this quest, you get sidetracked, there are numerous legends in the land and your partner insists that you make an expedition team and search the new land, exploring wherever you can. There are 16 Pokémon that you can be

This game utilises the Nintendo WiFi Connection in order for you to be able to help friends whom are stuck in dungeons. An easier way than using passwords.

Not much else is known about this game as of yet, it is to feature all the Pokémon, but is due in Fall 2007 in Japan so expect more when that hits.

Source : Serebii.net